Post Attack

After the attack is over, our company will continue to support you. Providing recovery services, security upgrades to prevent repeat attacks, and providing detailed attack reports will help you make the best decisions in the future.

Recovery services

SecureWay provides immediate recovery services after a cyberattack. This includes restoring data from backups, repairing and restoring systems, and ensuring that your operations continue with minimal disruption.

Our recovery services are designed to help you minimize the impact of a cyberattack and get your business back up and running as quickly as possible.

Security upgrades

Based on the experiences gained from the attack, our company will take steps to upgrade the security of your systems. This upgrade includes updating software, strengthening security measures, and preventing future attacks. Our security upgrades are designed to help you improve your security posture and protect your organization from future cyberattacks.

Training and awareness

Our security team will provide the necessary training for your employees to be prepared for future attacks. This training will include identifying new threats, prevention methods, and warning signs about cyberattacks.

Employees are often the weakest link in an organization’s security posture. By providing training and awareness, you can help your employees to identify and avoid cyberattacks.

Analysis report

You will receive a detailed and comprehensive report of the attack details and security measures taken. This report will help you to gain a deep understanding of your system’s vulnerabilities and take the necessary steps to improve security.

Continuous support

SecureWay will remain your trusted partner in security after the attack. Our support team is always ready to answer your questions and respond immediately to emergencies and security incidents.

After the attack, we are with you...

SecureWay will be your trusted security partner in the digital world, committed to providing professional and transparent services. Trust us to protect your information at all times.

سوالات متداول


بله، با توجه به اینکه راهکار Secure Tower در تمامی ارتباطات خود از پروتکل‌های SSL/TLS استفاده می‌کنند، امکان بررسی و کنترل ارتباطات وجود دارد. لازم به ذکر است که در این فرآیند حتی امکان کنترل فایل‌های محافظت شده با رمز عبور نیز وجود دارد.

بله، راهکار XDR از شرکت Sangfor از پیشرفته‌ترین راهکارهای امنیتی این شرکت است و توانایی تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با هوش مصنوعی را دارد و در مواجهه با تهدیدات، واکنش سریعی دارد.

بله، با توجه به اینکه راهکار Secure Tower در تمامی ارتباطات خود از پروتکل‌های SSL/TLS استفاده می‌کنند، امکان بررسی و کنترل ارتباطات وجود دارد. لازم به ذکر است که در این فرآیند حتی امکان کنترل فایل‌های محافظت شده با رمز عبور نیز وجود دارد.

بله، راهکار XDR از شرکت Sangfor از پیشرفته‌ترین راهکارهای امنیتی این شرکت است و توانایی تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با هوش مصنوعی را دارد و در مواجهه با تهدیدات، واکنش سریعی دارد.

بله، با توجه به اینکه راهکار Secure Tower در تمامی ارتباطات خود از پروتکل‌های SSL/TLS استفاده می‌کنند، امکان بررسی و کنترل ارتباطات وجود دارد. لازم به ذکر است که در این فرآیند حتی امکان کنترل فایل‌های محافظت شده با رمز عبور نیز وجود دارد.

Pre Attack

SecureWay provides valuable services to its customers in pre-attack situations. including security assessments, vulnerability identification, and security consulting to improve the protection of sensitive information.

During the Attack

When cyberattacks occur, SecureWay responds immediately with its team of experts. This response includes analyzing the attack, blocking malicious components, and quickly recovering information

Post Attack

After the attack is over, our company will continue to support you. Providing recovery services, security upgrades to prevent repeat attacks, and providing detailed attack reports will help you make the best decisions in the future.

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