Security Operations Center (SOC) services

In today’s complex digital world, information protection and cybersecurity have become a major challenge for organizations. With the increasing number of cyberattacks and diverse threats, the decision to create and manage a Security Operations Center (SOC) may be a challenge for many companies due to the complexity and high cost. But security loopholes cannot be reduced, as attacks are becoming more complex and sophisticated every day.

SOC as a Service

SOC as a Service (SOCaaS) is a new and innovative solution that allows organizations to benefit from the services of a SOC without the need for an in-house SOC structure and management. This service provides companies with security against various cyberattacks, including DDoS attacks, system intrusion, espionage, etc., and includes the following:

Monitoring and Analysis

SOCaaS providers use a variety of tools and technologies to monitor network traffic, log files, and other data for signs of malicious activity.

Incident response

Providers are responsible for respondto cyberattacks quickly and effectively. This may involve isolating affected systems, containing the attack, and restoring data.

Training and awareness

SOCaaS providers can provide training and awareness to employees to help them identify and avoid cyberattacks.


SOCaaS providers can help organizations to meet compliance requirements, such as those imposed by regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA.

Here are some of the benefits of SOCaaS

Optimal costs

reducing the cost of building and managing an internal SOC and benefiting from it. They needs and requirements to ensure that they choose the right solution for their organization.

Increased efficiency

SOCaaS can help organizations to improve their efficiency by centralizing their security operations. This can free up internal resources to focus on other priorities.

Improved scalability

SOCaaS can help organizations to scale their security operations as needed. This can be important for organizations that are growing that are experiencing changes in their security needs.

Reduced risk

SOCaaS can help organizations to reduce their risk of cyberattacks. This can be important for organizations that are concerned about the impact of a cyberattack on business.

Challenges and solutions

Although SOC as a Service provides many benefits and possibilities, there are also challenges. Such as ensuring the security of information during transfer to the Service, setting appropriate standards for the company, and ensuring compatibility with the company’s specific security policies and needs.

Service allows companies to benefit from the benefits of a SOC in the best way, while avoiding the management and cost concerns associated with building an internal SOC.

This service not only helps companies protect information, but also allows them to grow and thrive by focusing on their core business.

سوالات متداول


بله، با توجه به اینکه راهکار Secure Tower در تمامی ارتباطات خود از پروتکل‌های SSL/TLS استفاده می‌کنند، امکان بررسی و کنترل ارتباطات وجود دارد. لازم به ذکر است که در این فرآیند حتی امکان کنترل فایل‌های محافظت شده با رمز عبور نیز وجود دارد.

بله، راهکار XDR از شرکت Sangfor از پیشرفته‌ترین راهکارهای امنیتی این شرکت است و توانایی تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با هوش مصنوعی را دارد و در مواجهه با تهدیدات، واکنش سریعی دارد.

بله، با توجه به اینکه راهکار Secure Tower در تمامی ارتباطات خود از پروتکل‌های SSL/TLS استفاده می‌کنند، امکان بررسی و کنترل ارتباطات وجود دارد. لازم به ذکر است که در این فرآیند حتی امکان کنترل فایل‌های محافظت شده با رمز عبور نیز وجود دارد.

بله، راهکار XDR از شرکت Sangfor از پیشرفته‌ترین راهکارهای امنیتی این شرکت است و توانایی تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با هوش مصنوعی را دارد و در مواجهه با تهدیدات، واکنش سریعی دارد.

بله، با توجه به اینکه راهکار Secure Tower در تمامی ارتباطات خود از پروتکل‌های SSL/TLS استفاده می‌کنند، امکان بررسی و کنترل ارتباطات وجود دارد. لازم به ذکر است که در این فرآیند حتی امکان کنترل فایل‌های محافظت شده با رمز عبور نیز وجود دارد.

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